Discover the Best Timeshare Exit Team!


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There comes a time when some timeshare owners realize they are prepaying hotel fees for years on end! 

And the maintenance fees can feel like a real drag when you’re not actually using your timeshare anymore. 

Think where all that money could be used instead!

Sure, you might have had some fantastic experiences and created loads of memories staying at your private vacation spot. It might have even been the best timeshare for the money at the time.

But, if you’re just not using it anymore – why keep paying for it?

Can you really cancel your timeshare?

Of course, you can, but be cautious. 

There are plenty of aggressive companies out there trying to play on any desperation you may have to cancel. They can come across as professional, charming, and act like they have all the answers. 

But they’ll still take your money, even if they don’t manage to deliver the result you need.

Instead, we invite you to discover the best Timeshare Exit Team that has successfully helped timeshare owners in their thousands! Plus, you’ll be investing in a local business based in Texas that has excellent reviews across the board.

Want to know how you can get it?

How to Get Out of a Timeshare

The main issue with timeshares these days is people trying to get rid of them.

They’re great when they work for you, but they are becoming much harder to get rid of when it’s time to throw in the towel. 

Most likely, as a timeshare owner, you have already contacted the resort and have been told you can’t cancel a signed contract. There are ways around this dilemma. 

Two concrete approaches can be taken when you’ve been told you can’t cancel by the resort. 

The first is to transfer it over – which is when you transfer the real estate contract of the timeshare to someone else who wants it. This can be worrying to do by yourself because you have to trust who you’re selling it to. The process is very much like selling a house.

The second approach is to cancel the timeshare. There are many legal issues when canceling, so it really does make sense to go with a professional Timeshare Exit Team. You’ll be run through all the minor details, and you’ll have a dedicated team working to find a route of freedom for you.

Ideally, it would be best to have a team with timeshare lawyers that know a proven timeshare exit strategy to work in your favor. This type of team can also assess your timeshare and figure out if they can find a fitting match to transfer it.

The key points here are…

Work with a company that strictly follows the law. Don’t be seduced by a timeshare exit company that doesn’t have a physical office. And stay well clear if they are not based in the USA. You won’t know what you’re getting into until it’s too late, and your bank account will suffer.

Also, go with a company that will tell you upfront whether they can genuinely help you or not. Following a road of false promises will only end up in tears or a relatively large headache.

Timeshares and COVID 19

We are now living in a post-pandemic era where finances have never been so heavily under strain. Owning a timeshare doesn’t make sense anymore for many people as you can’t travel as freely, and your money could be spent on more important things.

So there has been a mad rush of people trying to cancel or transfer their contracts. This has made it all the more difficult to cancel as timeshare companies are being overloaded with customers all wanting the same thing. Their defenses are up! 

What’s the solution?

Firstly, you have to be realistic and patient with a process like this. Getting out of a timeshare in these times can be done, but it will take longer than usual. Consult with the right team and get proper advice like many others have done successfully already.

The Best Timeshare Exit Team

Lone Star is a family-owned business based out of Texas, and you’ll learn that we deliver on what we say. You won’t get lies and promises of unrealistic outcomes. Instead, you’ll get advice from day one, and you’ll benefit from ten years of expertise in getting out of timeshares.

Besides, the best part is you get a 100% money-back guarantee from Lone Star. If you don’t get into a situation where you are free of your timeshare, then you get your money back. That’s a bold promise, which indicates you have a team that means business.

Still not sure?

How about the fact that you’ll have a team endorsed by Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Hugh Hewitt, Michael Medved, and Mark Davis, among others? As well, Lone Star has been featured guests on ABC, where you can see a genuine desire for the help you can take advantage of.

Lone Star is also featured on:

  • Fox News
  • Fox Business
  • AM 690 The Answer
  • KRLD NewsRadio 1080
  • 94.9 KLTY
  • The Patriot AM 1150
  • WBAP News Talk 820 AM

Moreover, don’t you think that a local family who is willing to put their name and reputation on the line in business is impressive these days? What you’re getting is a company that wants to succeed.

Primary Service

Lone Star is a specialist in title transfers. You get help to transfer a timeshare property out of your name legally. When this is done successfully, all financial liability is removed from you. 

Additionally, if the financial reliability is removed from you, it also guarantees that your children will not inherit the timeshare fees.

Furthermore, we offer you a free no-obligation timeshare consultation service. You can contact us, tell us your story, and we’ll listen for free. It’s a 100% guaranteed written response that you can take advantage of.

But what if you still have a mortgage to pay off on your timeshare?

Timeshare Mortgage Cancellation

You might not have realized that there is a timeshare mortgage cancellation service out there. It’s a service that we offer, specially tailored for those that still are paying a mortgage on their timeshare but want out!

In this service, Lone Star works directly with you and approaches the resort on your behalf to get your timeshare canceled. It’s all done above board and is completely legal.

Words of Warning

You have to realize how important it is not to commit to the first too good to be true “opportunities” that seem to come your way when trying to rid yourself of a timeshare.

There are many ways to be duped under pressure…

Watch out for “cold calling” scam artists – they’re on the rise. They know that many timeshare owners are worried about the ongoing maintenance fees and sometimes mortgage payments they have to make. 

These guys will call you up, and if they are good enough, they will give you a false sense of hope and relief. They’ll usually say that an unnamed buyer is hugely interested in what you have. Unfortunately, the buyer won’t exist. 

You should be wary of upfront fees, which are not usual or standard practice. Typically payments are paid after the sale is completed or are simply taken from the sale price. 

There are also many other factors and useful bits of advice out there that can push you in the right direction. 

Entrusting a reputable Timeshare Exit Team is your best bet! 

What Lone Star Offers You

Stress-free and customer-orientated service is what we’re is all about. You’ll get help avoiding timeshare scams, and you’ll have an honest opinion about your cancellation or transfer problems.

You can also benefit from: 

  • Free private consultations with no obligations
  • Help in stopping your liability to a timeshare contract
  • Help in stopping your liability to a vacation club contract
  • Assistance in ridding you of all maintenance fees and special assessments
  • Exit solutions that come with written guarantees

Plus, you’ll have a strong guarantee that your children will never take on your timeshare debts.

What to Do Now?

Why share your time any longer with a timeshare that doesn’t make sense?

If you are struggling to find someone to help you deal with your timeshare cancellation problem, help is at hand with the best timeshare cancellation service.

Gather all your details and commit to a brighter future where you don’t have to pay out those pesky maintenance fees anymore. With your information at hand, go ahead and request your free consultation – with absolutely no obligations on your part.  

We have a proven track record, and you get exactly what we say. Straight-talking help and advice are what every timeshare owner needs when they want out – and thankfully, there is such a service to take advantage of today! 

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