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Little-Known Facts on Timeshare Resort Fees

Little-Known Facts on Timeshare Resort Fees

According to the World Tourism Organization, about 90% of U.S timeshare resorts utilize some form of fee-simple ownership. The timeshare resorts charge two main fees: the initial purchase cost and the annual maintenance fee. Timeshare's initial price depends on the...

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The Top Risks of Owning a Timeshare

The Top Risks of Owning a Timeshare

Owning a vacation property has its perks. Statistics show that revenue attained from timeshares ranges in the billions of dollars. While many people are investing in a vacation property, it is critical to note that it is a risky venture with many pitfalls. Many...

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The Real Costs Associated with Timeshares

The Real Costs Associated with Timeshares

Vacation properties have become a big hit in the last decade. These timeshares have seen tremendous growth, with onsite resort revenues exceeding a billion dollars in 2020. Despite this growth, they still have a bad reputation due to hidden costs. Before investing in...

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The Hidden Timeshare Fees You Should be Aware of

The Hidden Timeshare Fees You Should be Aware of

Timeshares are a lucrative and popular investment. In the last decade, this type of vacation ownership has become one of the notable revenue streams for resorts across the globe. Average Timeshare occupancy now stands at almost 80%, with onsite guest spending hitting...

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How to Get Out of a Timeshare Presentation

How to Get Out of a Timeshare Presentation

If you have agreed to attend a timeshare presentation, you may want to consider getting out of it. It's likely that the documentation for timeshare that you have indicates that the presentation will last for about one and a half hours. According to most people who...

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What You Must Know About Timeshare Expenses

What You Must Know About Timeshare Expenses

A timeshare is shared property ownership between two or more parties. A timeshare gives the right to use the home, cabin, apartment, or condominium for a specific amount of time each year. According to statistics by ARDA World, new timeshares are currently selling on...

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Are You Ready to Exit Your Timeshare?

Are You Ready to Exit Your Timeshare?

An estimated 56% of individuals wish to cancel a timeshare since they cannot afford it. Timeshare ownership is a big commitment. You will pay out of pocket for your timeshare, which is just the start. Resorts keep adding on more amenities you have to pay for, too. It...

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