How to Go About Selling Your Timeshare Legally

How to Go About Selling Your Timeshare Legally

Selling timeshares legally can be tricky. In fact, if you don’t know what you’re doing, you could end up paying too much for something worthless. But there are ways to get out of a timeshare contract legally. According to, despite existing...
Important Strategies for Exiting Your Timeshare

Important Strategies for Exiting Your Timeshare

According to Home Guides, the yearly maintenance fee for a timeshare alone averages about $786. Protecting your finances and finding the most cost-effective ways out is essential. Here are three of the best strategies for exiting your timeshare. Hire A Licensed...
Why Are People Dumping Their Timeshares?

Why Are People Dumping Their Timeshares?

Many timeshare owners do not consider it necessary to terminate a timeshare contract when they sign one. They anticipate their time away and are thrilled about their new vacation villa or resort. People find out that they no longer need a timeshare and tend to dump...