Feb 7, 2023 | Timeshare Tips
The average vacationer spends about 200 dollars a night on a hotel room. Depending on how long your vacation is, this can get pretty expensive. An entire week of accommodations will run you $1,400 or more. That’s why many vacationers opt for timeshares....
Jan 31, 2023 | Timeshare Exit
A timeshare is an investment for you and your family. A typical timeshare will cost roughly around $21,140 annually. While it can be expensive, it is a worthwhile expense for many. For others though, having a timeshare can soon become a nightmare. They may be too much...
Jan 26, 2023 | Timeshare Exit, Timeshare Tips
Timeshare properties are scattered across 180 countries around the globe, and more than 20 million households have decided to invest in timeshares. However, many have regretted that decision and have taken steps towards timeshare cancellation or transfer. Here...
Jan 25, 2023 | Timeshare Tips
America’s timeshare industry really hit its stride back in the 1970s and, despite changes in vacation trends, it is still going strong. In fact, nearly 10 million households in America own a timeshare. So what’s a timeshare and why did they become so...
Jan 24, 2023 | Timeshare Tips
Timeshares. They can help create generational memories for you and your loved ones. If you enjoy a specific location or specific lodging, this allows you the opportunity to enjoy it every year. Plenty of Americans do this, with nearly 10 million of them...