What do Timeshare Lawyers Do?

What do Timeshare Lawyers Do?

If you’re trying to get out of your timeshare contract, you aren’t alone. Many people sign up for timeshares without fully realizing what they entail, finding themselves caught off guard by maintenance fees, among other costs that they did not anticipate....
Your Legal Options for Timeshare Cancellation

Your Legal Options for Timeshare Cancellation

There are many reasons why you might want to cancel your timeshare. If you feel like you want to cancel your timeshare, you are not the only one. In fact, 85% of all buyers regret their purchase. Some cite reasons like money, fear, confusion, intimidation, and...
What is a Timeshare Rescission Period?

What is a Timeshare Rescission Period?

Sometimes you purchase a timeshare or vacation home on a whim and regret your decision. You often have a short period of time to legally cancel your contract. Most new timeshare owners often change their minds after the cancelation period passes. Most timeshare...