News and Blogs
How to Get Out of Your Timeshare Without Ruining Your Credit
There is a reason why so many people are lured towards timeshares. On the surface, many of the offers given by timeshare developers may seem appealing, especially if you like to travel or want to travel more. Some of them are sold as good investments. Others just seem...
How Long Does a Timeshare Exit Take?
So you've decided to take on your timeshare developer and try to get out of your contract. This is much more easily said than done, and the process can depend on many different factors. Not all timeshare developers work in the same manner. According to the World...
Which Timeshare Exit Strategy Is Right for You?
One of the best ways to initiate your timeshare exit strategy is to talk with the resort itself. However, when you contact them, don't talk to just anyone. Find out who deals with cancellations and talk to that person. While they might not want you to cancel, they are...
Your Legal Options for Timeshare Cancellation
There are many reasons why you might want to cancel your timeshare. If you feel like you want to cancel your timeshare, you are not the only one. In fact, 85% of all buyers regret their purchase. Some cite reasons like money, fear, confusion, intimidation, and...
Tips on How to Cancel a Timeshare Legally
Sales pitches can be very convincing. However, reality will often dawn on you after you have already made your purchase. In fact, 41% of buyers never imagined they would regret signing up for a timeshare deal. However, among the 30% who were neutral before making a...
What is a Timeshare Rescission Period?
Sometimes you purchase a timeshare or vacation home on a whim and regret your decision. You often have a short period of time to legally cancel your contract. Most new timeshare owners often change their minds after the cancelation period passes. Most timeshare...
How to Successfully Transfer Your Timeshare
There are many reasons why you might want to transfer your timeshare. If you are planning to transfer yours, then you are certainly not the only one. About 85% of all buyers end up regretting their decision to acquire a timeshare. All the buyers cite different...
The Dos and Don’ts of Writing a Timeshare Cancellation Letter
Are you looking to cancel your timeshare? You must note that attention to detail is very important when executing a timeshare exit strategy. There are some things that you will have to avoid as you are doing this. Here are some dos and don'ts of writing a timeshare...
Don’t Fall Victim to These Timeshare Exit Scams
After you buy into a timeshare interest and sign on the dotted line, you may find yourself looking for an effective timeshare exit strategy. This can happen for any number of reasons. Perhaps as you have gotten older, you might no longer be willing to keep up with the...
Do You Know What to Look for in a Reputable Timeshare Exit Company?
Did you know the average cost for a single-week stay in a timeshare is an astounding $21,455? Such a high price is coming from a resort that actually sells time, not necessarily a physical location. Sure, you are given the “tour” of a luxurious unit, but being able to...
How A Lawyer Can Get You Out Of A Timeshare Contract
There’s no doubt that the pull of a timeshare can be awfully tempting. It’s estimated that nine million Americans have a stake in a timeshare. It’s not hard to see why. At first, it can seem like a great investment and a chance to own (or at least rent) your own slice...
3 Legal Issues on Exiting a Timeshare Deal
According to the 2019 ‘State of The Vacation Timeshare Industry: United States Study’ done by EandY for the AIF, the US timeshare industry sales increased by 7% to 10.2 billion in 2018. It marked the ninth straight year for growth, pre-pandemic. Sadly, for the 9.9...
timeshares eliminated